Prebid Summit / Oct 23

We are looking forward to being part of Prebid’s inaugural invite-only event this fall! 

The first-ever Prebid Summit aims to tackle the real-world challenges faced today by publishers, ad-tech companies, and advertisers. Industry leaders will come together to discuss the future of a digital ecosystem that prioritizes privacy while still relying on ads for support. 

We’re also excited for the Prebid Summit because our very own Head of Product, Jeffrey Mayer, will be a featured panelist. 

Jeff will join Amanda Dean (Head Of Programmatic Partners & Strategy, IBM/Watson), Steve Mummey (Digital Ad Revenue & Technology, Accuweather), Kedar Prabhu (Dow Jones), and Chao Liao Advertising, Insider) for the “Innovation in Automation” panel regarding why productivity improvements are more critical than ever and trends driving the future of automation.

Don’t forget, just a few days before the Prebid Summit, we will host the Self-Serve Summit 2023 in NYC on October 18th!

For more information about the Prebid Summit, please visit this link.

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